Thursday, July 11, 2013

Great Lakes Junior Beach Event

Great Lakes Region held their first solo beach event, and it was a huge success. See below for age division winners. 
Girls 12U: pictured at left1st: Ashley Biron and Kennedy Muff (Sky High)
2nd: Emma Konie and Jenna Brown (Sky High)

Girls 14U1st: Erin Burke and Grace Loberg (Club Fusion)
2nd: Abigail Bogner and Jadalee Synder (Club Fusion)

Girls 16U1st:Emma Bruder and Kate Bruder
2nd: Becca Fortsch and Lianna White (Powerhouse)

Girls 18U1st: Alena Tourtellette and Morgan Barnes (Powerhouse)
2nd: Morgan Stenson and Phoebe Havenaar (Powerhouse)

Boys 14U1st: Quinn Isaacson and Logan Nash (Powerhouse)
2nd: Peter Martinson and Sean Mooney (Powerhouse)

Boys 16U1st: Erik Haverkate and Jimmy Roggeman (Cyclones)
2nd : Jacob Chaurize and Luke Werrline (Cyclones)

Boys 18U1st:Alex Birmingham and Matt Henek
2nd: Lucas Kilmer and Chase Kilmer

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Great Lakes Region Sitting Volleyball Clinic/National Team Tryout

We are excited to announce that a Sitting Volleyball Clinic and tryout for the U.S. National Sitting Volleyball Team is coming to Great Lakes Region on Aug. 10.

Click here to read up on the awesome event. We can't wait!

If you know someone who might be interested in participating in either the clinic or the tryout, pass this information along.